Reginald B. Dunlap

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About Me

Hey, I'm a Full Stack software engineer with a dedicated passion for JavaScript, React, Redux, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails. The project that I'm most proud of is an interactive energizing scene and sound website called 'Excite' built using the MERN stack. When I'm not working I love building amazing creative JavaScript projects utilizing the Canvas API. Outside of my Work experience and education I enjoy programming, eating out, and of course, an assortment of video games.

App Academy Has provided me with proper teachings and a skill set necessary to be a Full Stack Web Developer.

tel: 301-204-0530

My Goals

  • Continue to keep updated with newest technologies.
  • Craft quality clean code.
  • Continue to build projects.
  • Continue to learn.
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Rigorous 16-week, 1000-hour, immersive full-stack web development course, topics included: building full-stack web applications, data structures, algorithms, object oriented programming, test driven development, etc.

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